We are a group of volunteers who are members of The Arts Society Nadder Valley. We have formed a dedicated group to create an arts programme that covers a broad range of arts ranging from music, theatre, comic design, to sculpture photography, painting and everything in-between and that is accessible to all young people across the Nadder Valley.
If you are interested in supporting Young Arts or would like to sponsor some of our activities please get in touch.
Working with local artists and local venues, we organise workshops for young people to explore and create. These have included wildlife sculpture with Mark Coreth and 'a walk on the wild side' with Francesca Bex.
We also work with local groups to enrich the local provision of arts. Working with Tisbury Junior Arts Group, we organised a drama day led by Salisbury Playhouse and we funded prizes for an art class at the Tisbury Horticultural Summer Open Show. We have also purchased screen printing equipment and led a workshop for a Fovant youth group.
Please get in touch using the contact form below if you have any ideas for future projects or want to get involved in Young Arts.
We work with local schools to provide financial and organisational support for visits and workshops that enrich the children's experience of the arts. These have included whole school printing workshops, a trip to the American Museum (Bath) and a workshop on the theme of Islands which explored art by Canaletto, Gaugin, Christo, Rousseau and a beautiful piece by an indigenous artist from Baffin Island (Canada).
If you are a school within the Nadder Valley and would like us to contact you please get in touch by completing the contact form below.
The RBA Star Student competition has been developed with our national organisation - The Arts Society.
The Young Arts Group of the Arts Society Nadder Valley encourage aspiring A level art students living in the Nadder Valley to take part in this annual competition.
We will seek submissions from the students summer shows and will nominate the best of these to go forward for competitive selection for an annual exhibition in The Mall Galleries in London and at the Royal Overseas League in London.
In 2023/2024 we were delighted to nominate artwork from the students of Shaftesbury School.
See some of the work of the recent winners of the competition in the gallery at the link below.
If you know of someone with equal talent or you yourself will be exhibiting soon in your summer show please get in touch with us using the contact form below.